Who are you disappointing with IE6 support?
Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) is not getting any younger. With a initial release date of 27:th of August, 2001, it's one of the oldest things touching the internet with its slimy fingers. Since then, surfing has taken great leaps forward. In all areas: Web standards, Security, Usability, Rendering speed, Debugging, and more. By working hard to maintain backwards compatibility all of us are missing all of that progress.
Now. You as a web developer have a responsibility here.
Responsibility towards IE6 users#
Over the years, IE6 has had 142 security issues uncovered. Still 22 of those are not patched. Most IE6 users have no idea of this, but you do. You don't want these people do to their online banking with that kind of browser backing them. You should help these users by educating them, and making it easy for them to upgrade!
Responsibility towards your employer#
If people are paying you do build websites for them it's even worse. By not pushing for upgrade, you're holding their website back. You're downgrading features since "they won't work in IE6", you're over optimizing your javascript because "the site gets slow in IE6", you're hack around CSS issues with extra stylesheets because "IE6 just don't get your styling right". Each hour you work with IE6 backwards compatibility, is one hour less work on new features. Many developers agree that about half their time goes to planning, testing, and patching IE6 issues. That means you could be twice as productive to your employer it you did things differently.
Responsibility towards Microsoft#
Some people will call me and Microsoft-hater because of this article. You're right, I don't like most things Microsoft do. But that doesn't have anything to do with IE6. I'm fine with people upgrading to IE7. In fact, I prefer people upgrading to IE7 over them switching to Firefox. Why? Because IE7 replaces IE6, making it impossible (or too hard for beginners) to switch back to the IE6 junk.
So this has nothing to do with my Microsoft dislike. In fact the Microsoft developers would be delighted if IE6 just stopped working today. Just consider, how much of the code you wrote 8 years ago are you still proud of? I mean, they just released IE8 RC1 for gods sake! Give them a break.
Responsibility towards yourself#
By subscribing to friendlybit I assume you care about web standards. You have lengthy arguments with table developers over why their way is outdated, you have already talked about Firefox with your friends, and your parents have switched long time ago. But what looks good when you open your mouth, you throw away as soon as you start doing real work. You hack, hack, hack, and patch for IE6. Despite you knowing that this is the wrong way of doing things, despite the pain you feel doing it, despite everything you've read.
What I'm asking of you are two simple things:
Stop saying: "Well, you need to support IE6 at least, that's what everyone else is doing". Instead think like this: "Can I find any reasons that warrants disappointing IE6 users, my employer, Microsoft, and myself". Well, do you? (I'm sure comments will fill up reasons…)
Encourage IE6 users on your website to upgrade. This is really a no-brainer. If IE6 development is so much of a pain, why don't we do more to stop it? Even if you disagree with everything else I've written, you must agree that promoting upgrade is a good thing. Right? This is the code you need:
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<div id="upgrade">Your browser is 8 years old! Please upgrade to the latest version by going to
<a href="http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/products/ie/home">Microsoft.com</a></div>
And then style the #upgrade div appropriately. It's easy, doesn't rely on javascript, and points users directly do the download page instead of the three intermediary pages on microsoft.com. Add this to your own site, to your employer's sites, to your sisters site. Or maybe buy one of the numerous IE t-shirts out there. Hell, print it out and stick it on your dog! Do something!
Now. Before you get upset and tell me why your specific case is so different from everyone else. Don't. Remember point 1 above. I've just done point 2 above on this site. Now it's your turn!
(Thanks to Robert for pushing me to write this)
By: Pece (#1)
I use this practice for a while now, but I want my users to have a choice, so I suggest http://browsehappy.com.
This is my code:
<!--[if lte IE 6]><strong>Hello!</strong> Just to let you know, things might look a little wierd in Interent Eplorer 6 and under. Feel free to <a href="http://browsehappy.com/" rel="nofollow">try a different browser!</a><![endif]-->
By: Anders Ytterström (#2)
I'll add something similar to my own website tonight. :)
By: Emil Stenström (#3)
@Anders Ytterström: Good! :)
By: Ryan Heath (#4)
Just doing my part :-)
By: THEODIN (#5)
By: Mikael Lundin (#6)
I'm a web developer, and a heavy web application user. But there is still only one application in my whole arsenal that would make me switch browser, and that is my bank. If any other website would ask me to switch, I would just leave - just as I did with facebook a couple of days ago when they wouldn't let me login with Chrome.
It is not the web developers responsibility to get people to update their browsers. It is the web developers responsibility to make their applications usable for the majority of users out there. If you would tell me not to come to your party with the cloths I'm wearing I would just not come to your party, since I like my cloths.
Have you considered why users still use IE6? It is not because it is a superiour browser. I would say it is because they're sitting on bad ass old hardware. Upgrading their browser would considerably slow down their already dead slow computers. And who would pay money for new hardware just to browse your site?
I can't believe that users are staying with IE6 out of ignorance. I think it is mainly a choice. Could be a choice of the user, or the company that they work on, but I personally find it hard to keep IE6 on a newly installed Windows XP if I don't shut down windows updates all together (which also can be tricky).
I use whatever browser I want and it is your job to make it work. If I would use IE8 you could present me with an all jQueryish experience, but I would still want to access all the information even if I'd prefer using Lynx.
By: Marcus Andersson (#7)
It's one thing to experiment on a personal blog. It is something different to ask the project manager at your clients company to explain to his clients marketing manager why things look strange in her browser and why she needs to upgrade it...
By: Anders Ytterström (#8)
Both these groups are the two top reasons why IE6 still lives. At least one of them can be targeted by Emils proposal. The other one will do an upgrade eventually, probably installing Vista or Win 7 with IE7 or IE8.
I believe you cannot do harm by tipping about newer versions. It isn't the same thing as locking people out.
I have updated my own (swedish) website now.
By: Emil Stenström (#9)
Also, this is about building to standards, instead of IE6. There's a big difference between IE6 and Chrome there, and that's standards. I thought we all agreed that those where a good thing?
Also, Lynx does follow standards. IE6 does not, that's why it's such a pain to develop for, while Lynx is not.
By: Emil Stenström (#10)
Now. If an upgrade isn't possible, then we can't skip IE6, that isn't reasonable. But I'm never going to let that pass easily, I'm going to research why, and I'm going to spend time of my own to upgrade if that's what's needed. I'm never just saying "Oh gosh", and then let it go again.
We need to remember that we work in a big ecosystem, and as web developers have possibilities to change that are bigger than we first think.
Still, if you don't agree with me, at least consider to add the "upgrade bar" to your sites. You can still waste as much time to build for IE6, just tell people to upgrade too.
By: Marcus Andersson (#11)
On the other hand I think it is great that you are able to influence browser usage for clients. But those decisions tend to take some time and they are usually not up to web developers to make.
Back on topic...
I can't help but think that it is a little bit rude to tell people what they should have installed om their computer. Maybe as a notice on why some parts of the site might look strange, combined with a helpful explanation of what they could do about it if they care enough.
On personal projects I usually don't take ie6 into consideration. I might go back after the release to tack on Dean Edwards ie7 or a png-fix. Most things tend to work ok without special adjustments though.
At work on the other hand, testing for ie6 is mandatory. Most clients use it, they have to use it and there really are no possibilities to change that. We work with progressive enhancement as much as we can, but even that is a stretch as clients still get very worried when things look different in different browsers.
Hmm, that was one big special case...
By: Kristoffer Nolgren (#12)
Jag är inte userinterfacedesigner i grunden, utan entreprenör, mitt fokus är inte i grunden att skapa en bra upplevelse för alla användare, utan skapa ekonomiska resultat. Dessa två principer brukar för det mesta gå hand i hand, och det är därför jag läser den här bloggen. Lite förvånad är jag, men när jag läste det här inlägget, insåg ett bra exempel på att så inte nödvändigtvis är fallet.
Jag har såklart länge känt till problematiken med IE6 och att det kostar mycket tid och pengar för att få det att fungera. Att ha en icke fungerande site i IE6, skrämmer i nuläget bort en ganska ansenlig andel av potentiella kunder/användare, varför jag har fokuserat på att se till att de siter jag utvecklar fungerar även i IE6. Men nu insåg jag just, att den tiden, (30-50% av UI-utvecklarnas tid) kanske kan spenderas bättre. Om den tiden istället kan läggas på att skapa andra värden, som bättre kommunikation med befintliga besökare eller att driva mer trafik till sidan, kan det äta upp kakan IE6 användare.
Det absolut viktigaste med den här tanken, är att fokusera på andra saker än IE6 och standarder, är en investering för en växande andel användare och framtiden, medan fokus på IE6 optimering är ett fokus på en minskande andel användare och historien. Kanske är det inte gynnsamt att arbeta med IE6, kanske är det därför inte, som vissa här hävdar, en UI-utvecklares uppgift.
By: Emil Stenström (#13)
The final decision is usually not up to the web developer, but they often start with the web developer. You know all the arguments of why to develop to standards, you just have to get your boss or marketing manager to hear them. It might take a week or discussing back and forth, but it's so worth it.
I want to urge people to initiate that discussion now, because the IE6 market share is actually shrinking...
By: Emil Stenström (#14)
In a competitive situation, you need to innovate faster than your competitors. Interface development might be one of the things that slow you down, if IE6 development takes too much time. The more you've worked with educational upgrade messages, asking people to upgrade and why they will benefit from it, the more time you'll have in the future to innovate.
Another example of economy vs. experience is ads. In the short term, adding banners to a site makes you money, in the long term people get annoyed by the cluttered interface you give them, and might look elsewhere.
It's interesting to think if IE6 development in those terms, thanks for bringing it up!
By: Mikael Auno (#15)
By: Jeffrey Friend (#16)
By: Emil Stenström (#17)
By: Emil Stenström (#18)
By: Adam Z (#19)
@Mikael: I've been using Chrome since release and the only issue I've ever had is some quirks with embedded flash video. Facebook works great for me.
By: Ole (#20)
but the problem are not the "private" users, which you can in fact educate :-), the real problem are the firms (from small to big ones) and their IT unit! They don't want to upgrade to a newer, better browser even they know about the issues with IE6.
I don't know why - less time, poor intranet which was developed especially for IE6 years ago?
By: Emil Stenström (#21)
By: Niklas Olsson (#22)
I agree in what you are saying, put the money and time in new features instead of old heritage.
By: Norsk IE 6 revolt inledd - jippie! | VoxPelli (#23)
By: Peter Vigren (#24)
Nice solution btw. I'm not that much for cluttering the HTML with CC but in this case it would be acceptable. And the link's
can be set to "sv" if swedish is prefered (or other language codes, invalid ones reverts to "en").XD
By: Peter Vigren (#25)
By: Emil Stenström (#26)
You are free to redirect people to IE7 or IE8 as you see fit. I asked the same question an decided that I wanted people to benefit as much as possible from an upgrade. IE8 is already a step up from IE7, and will probably be easy to update once the final rendering stuff is sorted. I'm not 100% sure of this decision, maybe IE7 would be a better download...
By: Kristoffer Nogren (#27)
By: Emil Stenström (#28)
By: Birgit (#29)
I wrote a follow-up article to yours and Robert Nyman's in German here.
Thanks for inspiring me!
By: Scott (#30)
For instance, on this page alone:
By: Emil Stenström (#31)
By: Mediascreen » IE6-användare… (#32)
By: Jonathan Nicol (#33)
However, typically when I am working on client sites I do still test in IE6. I no longer aim for pixel perfection in IE6, and spend only the miniumum amount of time required to fix IE6 display errors.
On my blog and personal sites I test in IE7+. If someone is reading a web development blog and still using IE6, they seriously need to consider working in a different industry!
But in all honesty, I don't think that IE6 is all that difficult to accomodate. Does anyone remember IE5, ir IE5 Mac? (shudder) Those browers were a NIGHTMARE to code for. IE6 is a walk in the park by comparison. Still, I won't mourn its passing!
By: Emil Stenström (#34)
I've come to use your second tactic when customers have few IE6 users that they can't ignore. I just make the text readable, and the major flows work as they should, and let the design look a bit messy. Always with a warning, and a message for the user to upgrade.
I agree that we can find worse browsers than IE6 to support, but I think that's beside the point. We need a better environment to be productive in, and that requires the immediate death of IE6. *Loads gun*
By: tswaters (#35)
By: Emil Stenström (#36)
By: Jeff Seager (#37)
Accessibility is one of my highest priorities, and today I build to standards as best I can and test with Firefox, Opera, Safari, Lynx, IE7 and IE8. Then, like Jonathan Nicol, I make adjustments to anything that's broken in IE6.
What's chaining us all to IE6 is the corporate and government system administrators who refuse to upgrade, and have no real incentive to upgrade. Many designed their intranets with FrontPage or some other monster that churned out sloppy proprietary Microsoft code. In a closed system, with IE6 users only, their code does what they want it to do. Standards compliance is not a problem for them, because for them there is only one browser.
So the question is, what can we do to give these people the incentive and the tools that will move them out of the Dark Ages? I'd love to hear what you and some of your other readers suggest.
By: Emil Stenström (#38)
"Arguments for IT administrators" is a great idea for a new blog post, I'll see if I can think up some thoughts worthy of publishing :)
By: Alex (#39)
In the past month i have had 5% of visitors using IE6..
By: Peter Morffew (#40)
The problem with making a website not accessable to a certain group i.e. ie6 and earlier is the law where so mnay countries are implementing accessability laws which puts the onus of the accessability onto the company and website designer.
Because there is the chance of a lawsuite over accessability websites in theory still have to accommodate ie6 and then have to perpetrate the bots and hackers.
The arguement is not about what browsers to accommodate regardless of market share but websites should be allowed to drop older browsers because of improving security on the internet.
Once this approach is taken then the security issues will not be so common and hackers will ahve to work harder and companys will not have so much down time on their servers and waste money fixing viruses,trojans etc.
By: ? (#41)
By: ? (#42)
As you said in the article, we should encourage guys to upgrade, but I have a strong presumption that these users don't know how to hit more than 2-3 clicks on a browser, and always with the fear that they might ruin their pc. They often use the net for reading newspapers or simple news websites. This is sad, but to be honest, frankly, I don't need such visitors. As their potency on the net is too low for getting any of the products I offer.
PS: Why come IE automatic update is not the same like for windows update? MS should put at obligation their people for an update. Or has it something to do with the license? If you don't have it, you can't update?
Thanks for any answers! Excited about this new community!
By: ? (#43)
By: Techniques to use when IE6 dies | Web Development News (#44)
By: Norbert Szabo (#45)